The Ouya Dev Console… Is Here

By now everyone knows about Ouya. Everyone. Maybe that’s a little bit of an exaggeration. If, somehow, you’ve spent the last year camping, chasing butterflies, hanging at poetry jams, and doing other gross things, Ouya is a next gen console based on the Android OS that was crowd-funded last year through one of the most successful Kickstarters of all-time. Well, over the holidays the Ouya dev kits began shipping. We got ours and so far it looks to be an impressive little package. Two light-weight controllers and a sweet little console about the size of a coffee mug with everything oozing a pretty translucent aesthetic. The controllers look and feel like lightweight versions of the standard Xbox controller with the addition of a touchpad at the top. The system itself is small. Seriously small. We haven’t dug into the console too much (we have our hands full wrapping up Fist Puncher), but with our next project planned as a multi-console release, we’re looking forward to getting our hands dirty with the Ouya and seeing what it can do. For those that hate reading as much as we hate writing, here’s some pics.