Reagan Gorbachev at IndieCade Part 2

The first day of Reagan Gorbachev showing at IndieCade is now over. The sun was blazing hot, the sweet tea was flowing, and gaming pals were everywhere. For those that missed it, here’s a terse (twitter-speak), image-based overview.

Reagan Gorbachev is showing at IndieCade in the OUYA booth:

Why OUYA? Because they’re a small, caring group that loves games and helped fund Reagan Gorbachev:

OUYA supports all sorts of other rad games. Personally, we’re big fans of Amazing Frog and Duck Game.

We had awesome marketing art done for Reagan Gorbachev by the talented Fred Gago:

Reagan Gorbachev will be hitting the OUYA on October 21st:

Complete with guns and swords:

No, it’s not an educational game, but you might something (no guarantees on this one):

These guys played Reagan Gorbachev at IndieCade. They we’re better friends after the experience (maybe):