First Releases

Earlier this week we released Washington’s Wig and a Fist Puncher beta to many of our Kickstarter backers. This means we finally jumped that scary hurdle and put our wares into the hands of actual gamers. It’s still early, so feedback has been minimal, but, holy hell, our games are actually installed on people’s computers! We’re keeping our fingers crossed that no one gets back to us with horror stories (your game installed a Latvian virus on my laptop!), but for the most part, this is extremely exciting. People other than Daemon, Naomi, and some guest judges are actually playing Washington’s Wig. Fist Puncher is 100%, for-real being played on people’s computers. I’m sure for gamers, this step seems pretty banal, but for developers getting something into the hands of real-world people outside of controlled situations (like demoing at a show) is invigorating and a tad frightening. In the meantime, we’ll sit back in our adjustable chairs and hope this is the beginning of something good.
Fist Puncher, the dreaded helicopter level