Fist Puncher NPC Contest


Contest time! With one week left on our Kickstarter, we’re happy to announce a contest to give away one of the Kickstarter incentives as a PRIZE!

Here’s how the contest works:
1. like us on Facebook
2. post a picture to our Facebook showing yourself in a FIST PUNCHER pose (or send us the picture to and we’ll post it). A FIST PUNCHER pose can mean just about anything: punching, kicking, flexing, beekeeping, swinging a bat, throwing a smart car, wearing Dr. Karate scrubs, or just about anything that has something to do with FIST PUNCHER.

Anyone who enters will be added to a random drawing. The winner of the drawing will appear as an Non-Playable Character with one line of dialog in FIST PUNCHER. It’s easy to enter, and the winner gets immortalized in our 8-bit world. So put on your brawler faces, grab your cameras, and let’s start Fist Punching!

In the meantime, check out our Fist Puncher Kickstarter to see all of the crazy things that you can win by donating to our fundraising campaign.