Washington’s Wig Time Trial Tips

Time trial scores

Before the Kickstarter release of Washington’s Wig, we spent countless hours testing each of the various play modes. We found the time trial mode to be obscenely addictive, particularly trying to get under the coveted 1 minute mark. Here are a few tips to help you get a top score in time trial mode.

You want to go as FAST as possible. Watch the speed bar at the top. It will cycle through red, orange, and then pink. Getting it up into the pink range will allow you to fly through the level. 2 things increase speed: running on the ice, and the stars and stripes speed tokens.

-grab every speed token that you can. Some levels have more, some have less so it takes a lucky level with lots of speed tokens

-jump as little as possible. Every step that you take on the ice increases speed so you want to be running on the ice as much as possible. When you are jumping your speed stays the same.

-the white invinciblity tokens are key too. Grabbing them can mean running through an enemy rather than jumping over an enemy. Again, the more you run on the ice, the faster you go.

-never ever hold down to slide since this decreases your speed

-avoid taking the eagle or the sturgeon unless you absolutely have to to get past a dalmation boat. Your speed stays constant when you ride either and you want to always be increasing speed. You *can* build up enough speed to jump a single dalmation boat, but it’s tough.

-If you need to get past a dalmation boat and have the choice between the eagle and the sturgeon, take the sturgeon. He’s faster.

-each character has strengths and weaknesses. TOM is tall and thin so in the earliest parts of the level he can jump over enemy dogs with a single jump rather than a double jump (which means more time on the ice which means running faster). The other characters need to build up speed before they can single jump over an enemy. TOM’s height can also help him grab tokens since he is less likely to run under one when going fast. However, later in the game, Boutros Boutros and Dogsworth have the advantage that they are longer. This means they are more likey to be able to reach the edge of an ice platform when the speed is really fast. Escape Goat is sort of a middle ground between the two.