Fist Puncher Kickstarter Completed. Now What?


It was a long, draining month, but with the help of many generous supporters we we’re able to attain our funding goal on Kickstarter. Endless thanks to everyone that contributed! For the most part, this now means busting our butts on Fist Puncher and getting Washington’s Wig out to our backers. With so much on our plate, we wanted to first lay out what’s going to be happening over the next few weeks.

1. A Kickstarter message will be sent out to everyone requesting email information for the digital thank you card and how you would like your name to appear on the web site credits.

2. We’re wrapping up adding the music from the Washington’s Wig Hot Beats contest (anyone who still wants to submit a song should do so by the end of Wednesday, May 2nd) to Washington’s Wig. We should have a downloadable PC copy of Washington’s Wig ready by the end of the week for everyone that contributed $5 or more.
Hot Beats

3. Beta testers, we’re tweaking a few things on Fist Puncher and preparing to put out the first PC beta version by the end of the week. Stay tuned, we’ll send out instructions once it’s ready.

5. Everyone that will have signage or a character in Fist Puncher will receive a set of questions via Kickstarter in the next couple of weeks requesting more information so we can get cracking on adding a sign or character.

6. We will be adding 13(!) new fan determined levels to Fist Puncher. Based on the first poll, we’ve decided to add the top 3 highest voted levels: Hitler’s Birthday, Ninja Golfcourse, and Nude Beach. We’ll be adding more polls in the upcoming weeks to Facebook to pick new levels. In the meantime, send us ideas!

7. There is still time to submit a Fist Puncher pose for the NPC contest. If you get it in by the end of the day, you’ll still be in the draw. Otherwise, we’ll choose a winner in the next 24 hours.