Fist Puncher on GOG

We’re happy to announce that this Thanksgiving is extra special for us because Fist Puncher is now out on GOG. Battle through 50 levels of chaos, violence, and wackiness with 17 unique playable characters in our homage to and parody of old-school brawlers. And since we’re obviously drunk on pumpkin pie we’re also launching at a massively reduced price. Roll over to GOG now and get Fist Puncher for only $3.99. Stop worrying about football. Go punch things.

Fist Puncher Steam Cards

Halloween is less than a week away, and what better way is there to celebrate than to grab a copy of Fist Puncher and bust some zombies in the face with a shovel? OK, we admit it – dressing up like She-Ra and trick or treating is *probably* a better way to celebrate Halloween. However, along with having levels filled with zombies, werewolves, and vampires, we also recently updated Fist Puncher on Steam with new characters, new play modes, and Steam cards. Yup, Fist Puncher Steam cards have arrived. I picked up a Hella Fistgerald foil card. Don’t waste time while some jerk like me snatches up all the rare cards. Go play some Fist Puncher, and grab your Steam cards now.

Grab the Games Giveaway

October is here, and for us that means FREE STUFF. We’re doing a promo with Grab The Games, and they’ll be giving out 100 Steam keys for Fist Puncher. All it takes is a little clicking and liking and all that sort of internet jazz. Think of it as digital trick or treating, but instead of candy, you get a sweet video game (see what we did there?). Winners will be announced October 16th so roll over to their page to check out the details.

PAX Starts… Tomorrow

We’re wrapping things up here in California and getting ready to head to partly cloudy Seattle, the home of PAX Prime (where’s that Pearl Jam tape?). Fist Puncher will be on display with a host of awesome games from indie-friendly publisher Adult Swim. Here’s a tiny spoiler revealing a little bit of what the Adult Swim booth will have to offer.

We’ve been beefing up Fist Puncher with new characters and new play modes so even grizzled veterans can expect a few surprises. And, yes, this new version will soon be available on Steam, Desura, and Xbox.

Fist Puncher at PAX Prime 2013

PAX Prime in scenic (sometimes gloomy) Seattle is right around the corner, and we’re proud to announce that we’ll be exhibiting Fist Puncher in the Adult Swim booth. We’ll be right in the mix with a bunch of super Adult Swim games including many of their current and upcoming Steam titles. We’ll have lots of goodies to give out and lots of fists to punch so stop by and say hello! And, yes, there will be an excessive amount of unicorns.

Fist Puncher on Xbox

When we began work on Fist Puncher years ago, we originally designed it with the goal that it would eventually be an Xbox LIVE indie game release. Since then, the game and our studio have gone through tremendous changes including a Kickstarter campaign, signing with Adult Swim, and a Steam release. However, as huge fans of and supporters of console gaming, we’ve always wanted to see the original project through to completion. We are happy to announce that Fist Puncher is now available on Xbox LIVE in the indie game section. It’s the same great game packed with characters, levels, achievements, and more. You can own it for 400 MSP (5 bucks).

Note: a few people have reported an audio glitch on the Xbox release that causes the audio to sometimes cut out. We’re working on a patch that will be available soon.

Fist Puncher 33% Off During Steam Summer Sale

Summer is here, and you’re hot and sweaty, and you’re favorite baseball team is in the cellar, and you can never find those damn Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle ice cream bars, and the whole world is a mess EXCEPT….

Except for the fact that the Steam Summer Sale is officially underway, and you can finally get incredible games at incredible prices including, you guessed it, Fist Puncher. We’re 33% off so now is the best time ever to hop on over to Steam and get your paws on the only game with fighting unicorns, beekeepers, and dude’s in office chairs. Fist Puncher on Steam. It’s going to go down as a summer classic like the slip ‘n’ slide or that one Fresh Prince song.

Yes, take me to Fist Puncher on Steam so I can punch summer in the face.