PAX is this weekend!

We have more information about our upcoming appearance at PAX Prime. Kickstarter has officially announced details about the Kickstarter Arcade, a showcase of unique and creative Kickstarter campaigns. The Kickstarter Arcade will include Fist Puncher and some other amazing titles including Octodad 2, Organ Trail, Cards Against Humanity, and much, much more. For complete information on the Kickstarter Arcade, check out their blog post. The Kickstarter Arcade will be located in the Grand Hyatt (where the registration is). Check out the PAX Prime map for a complete overview of venues. Since our last major showing at PAX East, we’ve added quite a bit to Fist Puncher including more levels, more playable characters, new bosses, fully functional RPG features (level up, assign attribute points, purchase character perks), new cut scenes, and a much improved overhead map and level layout. If you’ve never played the game, if you want to see what we’ve added and improved over the last few months, or if you’re just aching to bash some pixel faces in, stop by the Kickstarter Arcade and play some Fist Puncher.