Washington’s Wig Time Trial Tips

Time trial scores

Before the Kickstarter release of Washington’s Wig, we spent countless hours testing each of the various play modes. We found the time trial mode to be obscenely addictive, particularly trying to get under the coveted 1 minute mark. Here are a few tips to help you get a top score in time trial mode.

You want to go as FAST as possible. Watch the speed bar at the top. It will cycle through red, orange, and then pink. Getting it up into the pink range will allow you to fly through the level. 2 things increase speed: running on the ice, and the stars and stripes speed tokens.

-grab every speed token that you can. Some levels have more, some have less so it takes a lucky level with lots of speed tokens

-jump as little as possible. Every step that you take on the ice increases speed so you want to be running on the ice as much as possible. When you are jumping your speed stays the same.

-the white invinciblity tokens are key too. Grabbing them can mean running through an enemy rather than jumping over an enemy. Again, the more you run on the ice, the faster you go.

-never ever hold down to slide since this decreases your speed

-avoid taking the eagle or the sturgeon unless you absolutely have to to get past a dalmation boat. Your speed stays constant when you ride either and you want to always be increasing speed. You *can* build up enough speed to jump a single dalmation boat, but it’s tough.

-If you need to get past a dalmation boat and have the choice between the eagle and the sturgeon, take the sturgeon. He’s faster.

-each character has strengths and weaknesses. TOM is tall and thin so in the earliest parts of the level he can jump over enemy dogs with a single jump rather than a double jump (which means more time on the ice which means running faster). The other characters need to build up speed before they can single jump over an enemy. TOM’s height can also help him grab tokens since he is less likely to run under one when going fast. However, later in the game, Boutros Boutros and Dogsworth have the advantage that they are longer. This means they are more likey to be able to reach the edge of an ice platform when the speed is really fast. Escape Goat is sort of a middle ground between the two.

First Releases

Earlier this week we released Washington’s Wig and a Fist Puncher beta to many of our Kickstarter backers. This means we finally jumped that scary hurdle and put our wares into the hands of actual gamers. It’s still early, so feedback has been minimal, but, holy hell, our games are actually installed on people’s computers! We’re keeping our fingers crossed that no one gets back to us with horror stories (your game installed a Latvian virus on my laptop!), but for the most part, this is extremely exciting. People other than Daemon, Naomi, and some guest judges are actually playing Washington’s Wig. Fist Puncher is 100%, for-real being played on people’s computers. I’m sure for gamers, this step seems pretty banal, but for developers getting something into the hands of real-world people outside of controlled situations (like demoing at a show) is invigorating and a tad frightening. In the meantime, we’ll sit back in our adjustable chairs and hope this is the beginning of something good.
Fist Puncher, the dreaded helicopter level

Fist Puncher Kickstarter Completed. Now What?


It was a long, draining month, but with the help of many generous supporters we we’re able to attain our funding goal on Kickstarter. Endless thanks to everyone that contributed! For the most part, this now means busting our butts on Fist Puncher and getting Washington’s Wig out to our backers. With so much on our plate, we wanted to first lay out what’s going to be happening over the next few weeks.

1. A Kickstarter message will be sent out to everyone requesting email information for the digital thank you card and how you would like your name to appear on the web site credits.

2. We’re wrapping up adding the music from the Washington’s Wig Hot Beats contest (anyone who still wants to submit a song should do so by the end of Wednesday, May 2nd) to Washington’s Wig. We should have a downloadable PC copy of Washington’s Wig ready by the end of the week for everyone that contributed $5 or more.
Hot Beats

3. Beta testers, we’re tweaking a few things on Fist Puncher and preparing to put out the first PC beta version by the end of the week. Stay tuned, we’ll send out instructions once it’s ready.

5. Everyone that will have signage or a character in Fist Puncher will receive a set of questions via Kickstarter in the next couple of weeks requesting more information so we can get cracking on adding a sign or character.

6. We will be adding 13(!) new fan determined levels to Fist Puncher. Based on the first poll, we’ve decided to add the top 3 highest voted levels: Hitler’s Birthday, Ninja Golfcourse, and Nude Beach. We’ll be adding more polls in the upcoming weeks to Facebook to pick new levels. In the meantime, send us ideas!

7. There is still time to submit a Fist Puncher pose for the NPC contest. If you get it in by the end of the day, you’ll still be in the draw. Otherwise, we’ll choose a winner in the next 24 hours.

Washington’s Wig starring… Escape Goat and A Virus Named TOM?!

Crossover time! We’ve added some of our favorite characters from other indie games to Washington’s Wig. Check out the video to see A Virus Named TOM and Escape Goat in action in Washington’s Wig. Who else makes an appearance? You’ll have to get the game to find out. Hurry though, there’s only a few days remaining on our Fist Puncher Kickstarter. So roll over to Kickstarter before time runs out to reserve a copy!

For more information on A VIRUS NAMED TOM:

For more information on ESCAPE GOAT:

Fist Puncher Kickstarter FINAL WEEK

We have one more week left on our Fist Puncher Kickstarter. That means time is running out to reserve a copy of Fist Puncher or Washington’s Wig or get one of the many great Kickstarter incentives including a chance to appear in the Fist Puncher game. It’s going to be a busy week so we put together the above video reminding everyone of what’s going on. Here’s a quick rundown:

– We’ll be appearing on two podcasts: the Games Beat Pocast which is live now, and the 2bit Gamers Podcast which we will be recording tonight.

– There are currently 2 contests going on here at Team2Bit. First, we’re still accepting entries for the Washington’s Wig Hot Beats contest. Remix the Washington’s Wig theme and we’ll add the best remixes to the release of the game! Second, we’re also running the Fist Puncher Pose NPC contest. Like us on Facebook and then submit or post a Fist Puncher pose picture for a chance to win a slot as an NPC in the Fist Puncher game.

Last week we added new Kickstarter stretch goals If you haven’t seen it on Facebook yet, be sure to vote for which level you’d like to see added to Fist Puncher. We’re currently at $12K, and as promised for every $1K over our $10K goal, we’ll add a fan-voted level. If we can reach $15K we’ll be sending a full set of Fist Puncher cards to each person who pledges over $15 ($20 international).

Finally, we’ll have more updates and videos coming this week, so stay tuned!

New Washington’s Wig Trailer

With less than 2 weeks remaining on our Kickstarter, time is running out to reserve your copy of Washington’s Wig, the winning game on IGN’s The Next Game Boss. We’ve added some new features including power-ups, collectibles, new enemies, and a 2P versus mode. Check out the latest trailer, and don’t forget that there is still time to submit music to be included IN THE GAME. The best fan submitted tracks will be added to the Washington’s Wig soundtrack:

Interview with James “Goggles” Richard III about appearing as a Boss in Fist Puncher

Some of our higher level Fist Puncher Kickstarter incentives include becoming an NPC, major enemy, level boss, or playable character in the actual Fist Puncher game. We thought people might be interested to learn more about appearing in Fist Puncher so we took some time to talk to James Richard III. James is one of the first people to have the honor of becoming immortalized in 8-bit greatness, and will be appearing as a boss in the upcoming Fist Puncher release. We met James a few months ago during IGN’s The Next Game Boss reality show and loved the energy and enthusiasm that he brought to the set. We knew immediately that he’d make a terrific character in Fist Puncher. Here we are a few months later, and James is now a main enemy boss going toe-to-toe with Dr. Karate and the rest of the FP cast!

Plus, don’t forget about the new stretch goals on our Kickstarter campaign including a chance to get the full set of trading cards and an opportunity to vote on new levels that we’ll add to Fist Puncher. Visit the Team2Bit facebook page and click on the poll to vote NOW! Check out the video below for complete details on our stretch goals:

And finally, we’re still accepting submissions for the Washington’s Wig Hot Beats Contest. All you have to do is remix the Washington’s Wig theme and we’ll put the best remixes IN THE GAME! Now’s your chance to be a part of the most famous videogame ever starring a dog wearing a wig. Download the Liberty Theme Sample Pack today! Remixes can be submitted to kickstarter@team2bit.com

Washington’s Wig Hot Beats Music Contest

Washington's Wig Hot Beats

We’ve had a tons of musicians contact us to ask if we need help with the soundtracks to our games. The truth is that we already have a pretty robust Fist Puncher soundtrack ready to go, and it’s hard to squeeze anything else in there. But we’ve had to turn down so many enthusiastic and talented musicians that we decided we had to find a way to get them involved.

That’s why we’re officially accepting submissions for songs to appear on the Washington’s Wig soundtrack. We’re open to music of many styles, but we ask that they incorporate at least 2 of these 3 themes:

1. Humor
2. Hot beats
3. Freedom (we’ll also take Liberty)

We’re providing a small sample pack from the ‘Liberty Theme’, the song we made on the Next Game Boss finale. You can remix this song or reuse the samples for something totally new. Or don’t use the samples at all and come up with your own idea. Check out the trailer for a reminder of what the Libery Theme sounds like:

We can’t afford to pay for your work and we can’t guarantee we’ll use everything that is submitted. If your song is chosen, we will give you full credit within the game. You can either submit a full song or just a loop, but do it soon. We need your song by the end of the month so we can include it in the May release of the game. We’re looking forward to hearing what you come up with! Click on the link below to download the Liberty Theme sample pack below, bust out your music editing software, and let’s hear those hot beats!

Download the Liberty Theme Sample Pack

Remixes can be submitted to kickstarter@team2bit.com

Liberty! Freedom! Dogs! Wigs!

Pre-PAX East Summary

These past couple weeks have been intense. Kickstarter, Greg Miller, video updates, interviews, and now we’re preparing to roll out to PAX East in Boston tomorrow. Let’s get everyone caught up on the highlights.

First, about a week and a half ago we launched our Kickstarter campaign to try to raise the final funding needed to complete Fist Puncher. There’s plenty of great incentives including copies of Fist Puncher, copies of Next Game Boss winner Washington’s Wig, a chance to become a playable character in Fist Puncher, and a ton more. We’re at about 45% right now and still have a long way to go. If you’re interested in pixel art brawlers or are dying to play as roller derby girl that confuses her enemies by kissing them, then check out our Fist Puncher Kickstarter.

Second, we appeared on IGN’s Up At Noon with Greg Miller where we did a fun interview at the end of the show. You can also check out the extended interview with Greg Miller. Lots of talk about Pies, quitting jobs, super indie icon Bean, Fist Puncher, dogs wearing wigs, and more.

We’ve also been doing a series of updates and additional video content to help promote our Kickstarter. You can hear from other indie developers, watch a talk we gave at the Super Happy Block Party Hackathon, listen to us give a shout-out thank you message to all of our first 100 Kickstarter backers, watch a trailer for Washington’s Wig, or just go to our Youtube channel and see all the video spam we’ve been flooding the internet with (no wonder the internet’s been full lately).

This weekend we’ll be at PAX East in Boston. We’ll be showing Fist Puncher and talking about our Kickstarter campaign off and on in the Kickstarter Arcade. Stop by to talk Kickstarter, give Fist Puncher a whirl, or rap about baseball (can the Brewers win the Central without Fielder?). We’ll also be wandering around checking out other games so if you have something awesome that we NEED to play, send us a message.